An alternative to seasonal heat

storage for low temperature heating systems

Crowberry Energy Performance runs a project on heat storage with support from the Swedish Energy Agency


Seasonal heat storage for space heating can increase the building sector's use of renewable energy and reduce the seasonal variation in power demand. Seasonal heat storage today are generally space-consuming and with a loss from heat leakage or advanced and expensive.


The project is about an alternative solution to seasonal heat storage where solar heat drives a process that makes it possible to lift the temperature level from an available low-temperature source to a usable temperature level for a low-temperature heating system. The alternative system is smaller in volume than a sensitive heat storage and basically lacks heat leakage. The design is based on a saline solution and relatively uncomplicated components. 


The project will clarify details within the processes using the multi-physics tool COMSOL and collect market actor’s views on the IPR approach to the innovation. The goal of the project is to have a documented support for a prototype and a proposal for future partners.


The project ends October 2023.

Crowberry Energy Performance

+46 76 325 08 60

jacob.lindblom @

Organisationsnummer: 559386-1957

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